PHast PHorward 6 months

Since Isla’s birth 6 months ago, so much has happened! A few days after she turned 4 months, she got a cold so we took her to the Pediatrician. Her Oxygen was very low so they sent us to Children’s hospital for observation. 24 hours later she was diagnosed with Pulmonary Hypertension which is a very serious disease that causes high blood pressure in the lungs. There is no cure and it can cause heart failure. We did an angiogram to get more information, but she didn’t respond well to the anesthesia and was in a medically induced coma for a week. We weren’t sure if she was going to make it… and it was the scariest week of our lives! Luckily our little girl is a PHighter, and she pulled through. We hit rock bottom that week, so everything that has happened since then might seem tough to the average family, but we now know what tough really means. Our stay in the hospital really put things in perspective. Isla is on a ton of medication, including a continuous IV. She may need this medication for a few months or her whole life, only time will tell. We plan to use this blog to keep everyone updated on her progress, so stay tuned!

This is Isla at her worst in the CICU:

ImageThis is the first time I got to hold her after she was knocked out for a week:

ImageThis is Isla getting ready to bust out of the hospital. After being there for 4 weeks, they let us go home!!Image